"In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable." Robert Arnott
Firstly, I love the common phrase "Best❔" "Easy❔" "Quick❔" regarding investing. Let's just get that out of the door and think, realistically if there was one answer, why is everyone not doing it already? There are many paths to a successful financial plan, as long as you are with a trusted financial advisor, or efficiently skilled investor each person will have their own "best" method or path to take. You just need to find an advisor that you align with and sit back and wait.
There is a global move towards more flexible self help investment platforms, in South Africa the likes of EasyEquity and Satrix have a platform for example that offers fractional share purchases. For example: Woolworths share price is R60 for one share and you only have R50 to invest, you can purchase 83% of one share (R50) and get the full benefit of actually owning the share. This means that there is no excuse to not invest, and no amount too small to invest.

The same goes with Crypto, more so even, where everything is decentralised. 1 Bitcoin is roughly worth R500,000 right now, but you can purchase (R50) 0.0001 Bitcoins if you wanted to... and still receive the same % return had you owned 1 Bitcoin.
Look long term
It is a fool's errand, believe me😂 to treat small amounts of money differently to larger amounts of money. Yes, you need to diversify and have a wholistic investment plan, but once you have this, R50 or R500,000 is just different amounts that go into the same investment that is your investment plan.