Hello mate! or should I say, "Yerba Mate!"

Hello mate! or should I say, "Yerba Mate!"

Photo by Arseniy Kapran / Unsplash

​​As an alternative to coffee, yes the last one (I promise), may I propose to you a drink that not only almost compares to coffee when it comes to caffeine but also is nutrient-rich in antioxidants that are more, in concentration, than those in green tea.

Yerba mate is a herbal tea made from the dried leaves of a tree called the South American  Holly Tree.. before I continue talking about the wonders of Yerba Mate let me quickly tell you about the Holly tree. The holly tree doesn’t just serve as wonderful coffee alternative drink but the tree in itself can be used and, in many countries, is used as a landscape tree because of the dense foliage it provides, holly trees are homes to many of our little fury friends and their berries also provide food for the  birds. These trees are like a 5 in 1 deal from nature. They are so multi-purposeful.

Holly on a tree
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Anyway, back to the varied health benefits of the leaves, yerba mate actually doesn’t just prove useful as a caffeine beverage but the leaves ca also be used for ailments such as jaundice, coughs and digestive issues. Regarding using it as a coffee replacement, Yerba mate leaves easily become a herbal tea that is naturally caffeinated when the leaves are dried and ground.

But what about its flavour? Well, as with things, some drinks, even coffee, has an acquired taste that some may find quite interesting whilst others find it completely awful; so what of yerba mate? This acquired taste can be described as being  bitter and/or smoky. Frankly, maybe bitter can pass because some find coffee a bit bitter and yet it still remains one of the most enjoyed beverages that many are still addicted to, but as for the smoky? 🥴...

Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali
Photo by Paolo Nicolello / Unsplash

Mmmh, I don't know about this one mates..

Basically, besides its indelible multi-purpose benefits and uses, and ignoring the acquired taste, yerba mate is a good substitute for coffee especially when it comes to the caffeine and…to be honest, we can’t ignore the health benefits; iron, calcium and vitamins C and E, riboflavin, thiamine, and phosphorus, to name a few. Nonetheless, despite having a plethora of benefits, just like with coffee, drink it in moderation.

So, if you're looking for a coffee alternative with a touch of smoky and a bucketful of nutrients, I propose Yerba mate, just try it mate!

Qeqeshi Team

Qeqeshi Team

South Africa